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Andre Bøker


The New Encyclopedia of Snakes

Forfatter: Christopher Mattison
Målform: Engelsk
Forlag: Cassell Illustrated
Antall sider: 272
Pris: 450 kr.
ISBN: 9781844035717

This comprehensive, highly illustrated guide covers the most popular aspects of snake biology. Throughout, colour photographs show the fascinating variety of snake colouration as well as illustrating their amazing capacity for camouflage. The chapters investigate main themes, using text, photography and useful diagrams. There is detailed coverage of snake classification, evolution, natural diversity, size, shape and colouration, physiology, ecology, feeding, defensive behaviour, breeding, mythology, superstition and modern human attitudes to snakes. In addition, there are 'fact boxes' within each chapter, which comprise items of special importance and interest, such as scale-type, population in the wild, egg incubation, etc. Above all, this is a major international title for all involved and interested in snakes, their zoology and care in captivity.  
Chris Mattison is a professional herpetologist based in Sheffield, with an international reputation as a writer on the topic. He is the author of Snakes of the World, keeping and Breeding Snakes and half-a-dozen other related titles. A member of both the British and international herpetological Societies, he travels widely photographing reptiles in the wild and is in demand as a lecturer on the subject in Europe and North America.

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